Blog tagged as AI

3 Ways to Tackle Applicant Overload

By ApplicantQ

In recent times, the labor market has shown some surprising twists. Despite the Bureau for Labor Statistics (BLS) revising down their job additions by 30% and the headlines about a strong labor market, recruiters are facing a vastly different...
08.25.24 02:56 PM - Comment(s)
Name Bias in Recruitment

Name Bias in Recruitment

By ApplicantQ

Name bias in recruitment happens. Using AI to screen without bias gives recruiters a leg up.
06.26.24 03:46 PM - Comment(s)

Leveraging AI to Achieve Fairness in Job Matching

By ApplicantQ

Leveraging AI job matching tools can help remove biases and lead to a more diverse and productive workforce
04.30.24 02:03 PM - Comment(s)