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  • AI Powered.
    Screen and Score with One Click. 

    Stop wasting time sifting through piles of job applicants. Focus on the best matches for your job openings. Remove bias in evaluating resumes. Make hiring simple.

  • Simple Applicant Scoring.
    Find the Best Match in Seconds. 

    Stop wasting time sifting through piles of job applicants. Focus on the best matches for your job openings. Remove bias in evaluating resumes. Make hiring simple.

We have one mission.  Make hiring easier for recruiters.

Our team has years of experience in HR recruitment technology and Data Science.  After years of frustration working with stale platforms and limited technologies, we decided to take on the challenge first hand: Help front line recruiters by giving them a true tool to quickly evaluate candidates based on match. Our next phase will tackle retention.  Subscribe to learn more. 

Our mission is to build simple, cost effective solutions focused on finding the RIGHT hire based on your criteria.  Have more questions?  Email us and let's chat.